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Last page edit:
02/12/2011 17:52

If there is anything you would like to add to this section or something that may be of interest please contact Donna Skene, Project Officer, Tel. 01343 563317 or email [email protected]

This theme covers a range of topics, including early years' development, support for vulnerable children, attainment and achievement and lifelong learning.

Strategic Group Coordinating Group Operational Groups

Strategic Group

The Strategic Group will agree the priorities to be delivered and comprise members at the most senior level in partner organisations.  This Group is responsible for achieving National Outcomes 3, 4, 5 and 8 within the Single Outcome Agreement:
  • We are better educated, more skilled and more successful, renowned for our research and innovation
  • Our young people are successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens
  • Our children have the best start in life and are ready to succeed
  • We have improved the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.
  • Deliver and monitor the actions within the four SOA national outcomes remitted to the Strategic Group

  • Address skills development and work-based training opportunities, as detailed in the Lifelong Learning Strategy

  • Focus on increasing educational attainment and achievement as set out in the Curriculum for Excellence

  • Address issues around early years' development, as detailed in the Government's Early Years Strategy

  • Focus on promoting active citizenship, as set out in the Curriculum for Excellence and the Youth Strategy

  • Address issues around support for vulnerable children and young people, as set out in the Integrated Service Plan for Children and Young People, Child Protection Business Plan (2008/09), Parenting Strategy and Youth Justice Strategy

  • Address the cross-cutting issues, shared priorities and actions to support the individual strategies related to the theme

  • Promote good practice within the areas covered by this theme

  • Approach problem solving through thinking and working laterally.

  • Identify the theme groups' focus and priorities, referenced to the Community Planning Partnership strategic priorities, outlining the steps to meeting these priorities and committing the necessary resources

  • Evaluating performance, holding each other to account and supporting problem solving with the Partnership

  • Complete strategic assessment for theme and review annually.

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Coordinating Group

The Coordinating Group will manage the delivery of actions required to meet the priorities and include members at a senior level in partner organisations.

The membership of the Group will be finalised, once the priorities to be addressed under the theme have been agreed by the Strategic Group.

  • Target resources effectively to deliver priorities
  • Ensure overall delivery and monitoring of the priorities
  • Target intervention and actions based on evidence-based data
  • Evaluate impact of intervention or action based on evidence
  • Compile focused assessments to consider specific problems relating to agreed priorities for the next period
  • Identify any new issues
  • Progress made in relation to the current problem solving activity and identify any potential resource requirement.

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Operational Groups
The Operational Groups will carry out the actions to meet the priorities and include officers with direct responsibility for these actions.

These are the main Groups currently addressing key issues under the theme.


There are currently a number of multi-agency and voluntary groups addressing issues under the theme:

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