May 09
Single Outcome Agreement (2009/10) (under
Community Planning Board)
The final version of the
SOA was submitted to the Scottish Government on 15 May, following
approval from the Community Planning Board on 07 May and the Full Council on 12
On 21 April the Improvement
Service assisted the Community Planning partners to agree a framework for
overall delivery of the local outcomes within the SOA. Special meetings
of all five Strategic Theme Groups have since taken place during May, at which each Group has agreed up to three key actions under each of the local
outcomes, for which they have been assigned responsibility. Clear milestones and targets are also being identified
against each of the actions to facilitate more effective monitoring of
achievement over the year. Possible additions to the
membership of the Theme Groups have also been put forward at
these meetings to ensure that the key
actions agreed will be effectively
addressed. Proposals to ensure that cross-cutting issues are picked up and dealt with more
effectively across the various
Partnership Groups have also
been considered. A Special Community Planning Board meeting is taking place on
10 June to consider the key actions agreed by the Theme Groups and the
resource implications of these, as well as agree
any membership changes and a cross-cutting protocol.
Strategic Group Meetings (under respective Strategic
The Community Engagement
Group met on 23 April. It agreed the process for consulting with the
public on proposals for establishing a Community Support Unit and providing
funding to support community engagement across Moray. The Group also approved
the Community Engagement Action Plan, setting out 12 key actions to be addressed
over the next year, and received a presentation on Digital Stories, short video
presentations about local people who have experienced life-changing
events. It was felt this would be a good medium to promote the Partnership and
its achievements.
The Community Planning
Board met on 7 May. As well as agreeing the final version of the SOA and budget spend for 2009/10, the
Board also approved the new model for
local infrastructure support for the voluntary and community sector from
2011. It was
agreed that the Citizens' Panel would
continue on an ad hoc basis and consideration would be given as to how it fits with other
engagement processes undertaken through the Partnership. The Board also approved the recommendation of the
Social Inclusion Coordinating Group for funding two projects from the first
round of Fairer Scotland Funding - a Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)
Development Officer and Domestic Abuse Forum Family Support Workers. A third
project, to fund a Welfare Benefits Advisor, was deferred pending a seminar on 5
June looking at an integrated approach to increasing welfare benefit resources
in Moray.
The Safer and Stronger Group and the
Wealthier and Fairer Group both met on 21 May. Both
received detailed reports on performance in delivering against the
national and local outcomes in the first SOA (2008/09). Under Safer and Stronger
75% of actions were deemed to have contributed or partially contributed to the
outcomes, while under Wealthier and Fairer the comparable figure was 79%. Of the
actions deemed not to have contributed the majority were delayed, but should be
completed during 2009/10.
The Safer and Stronger Group also heard about a
significant change in tackling dog fouling, which will allow the issuing of
fixed penalties without first delivering a warning, as well as progress reports
on the Council New Build programme (40 houses to be built in Elgin
with the £1m Phase 1 funding
award from the Government) and the implementation of the Fuel Poverty
Strategy, where main achievements include improvements to the Council's housing
stock and 4750 households receiving advice on energy efficiency. The new
initiative to provide reflective armbands for children was also
The Wealthier and Fairer Group approved the updated Action Plan, setting out work to
be carried out on the Group's identified priorities during 2009/10. The Group
also received updates on the Strategic Transport Projects Review and the Moray
Towns Partnership as well as HIE's Economic Recovery Response Plan aimed
at addressing the worst effects of the economic recession. The Plan is
currently being revised to reflect the change of responsibility for business
advice services from HIE to the new Business Gateway facility operated by the
Council. The Gateway is now operating out of the former TIC premises in the High
Scottish Health
NHS Grampian involves patients
and the public in making decisions about their services. The Scottish
Health Council's role is to make sure this happens. The Scottish Health Council
would like to know if you are aware of how NHS Grampian currently engages with
local communities or if you have been involved in work they have done this
Further information: Online Survey More Choices, More Chances (under Safer and
Stakeholder research to
inform the new More Choices More Chances Strategy has recently been published.
Agencies working with young people, employers from a variety of occupational
areas and young people from priority groups most at risk took part in the
research. The More Choices More Chances initiative is aimed at addressing
the issue of young people who are not in education, employment or training
or at risk or falling into that
category. Forthcoming
A full listing of meeting,
conferences and events can be found on the Partnership Calendar.
Conferences of particular relevance to SOA priorities include:
> 03 June - Alcohol : The Holyrood Debate -
Edinburgh - further details from [email protected]
> 16 June - Sustainable Flood Risk Management
in Scotland - Edinburgh - further details from [email protected]
> 22 June - Public Sector Reform Seminar -
Edinburgh - further details from [email protected]
Consultation Institute
The Consultation Institute is running two courses in Edinburgh of importance and interest to those involved in consultation and public engagement - - Making Consultation Meaningful Date: 2nd June 2009 Venue: Caledonian Hilton, Princes Street, Edinburgh - Media Relations & Public Engagement Date: 10th June 2009 Venue: Caledonian Hilton, Princes Street, Edinburgh Further information: Consultation Institute Website Youth Scotland
Youth Scotland is running a training event - "Bored Meetings" - aimed at young people (12 years +) on Saturday 6
June from 10am to 3pm in
Findhorn. Contact [email protected] for
further details or to book
Community Learning & Development - Adult Learning
A programme of courses has been put together for the Spring 2009 session. Further information: Moray Council Website National Networks
Community Regeneration and Tackling Poverty
The Scottish Centre for Regeneration recently launched
the above network, which brings together all those with an interest in improving
communities across Scotland. The network will enable members to build on
existing skills as well as learn from others through a range of free events
showcasing best practice, learning resources and training. For further
information on how to join the network contact [email protected].
Scottish Homelessness
Involvement and Empowerment Network (SHIEN)
SHIEN is a new national network,
facilitated by Glasgow Homelessness Network and funded by the Scottish
Government. It provides a comprehensive toolkit of information and best practice
to assist those with a statutory responsibility for alleviating homelessness as
well as the diverse range of voluntary organisations, which provide direct
services and support.
Scottish Network of Alcohol Practitioners for the Young
SNAPY was launched recently at a conference in
Edinburgh. It brings together professionals who work with children and young
people or their families affected by their own or someone else's drinking to
share good practice, skills and resources. There is also a focus
on promoting and improving early identification of potential
Mixed Plastics Capital
Grant Programme
Businesses and organisations are
being invited to bid for a total of £5m in funds from the Scottish Government's
Mixed Plastics Capital Grant Programme. At the moment only 15,000 tons of
plastic used by householders is collected for recycling in Scotland with the
majority of that being sent to Asia for processing. It is hoped that the Grant
Programme will provide funding to develop plastics processing and recycling
facilities in Scotland. Deadline for applications is 26 June 2009.
Further information : WRAP website
Websites of the
new website has been launched under the auspices of the Council to promote
Moray's contribution to the Year of Homecoming. An exciting series of events and
exhibitions has been organised in communities across Moray. Visitors are being
encouraged to come back to Moray, explore their family roots and find out about
Moray's contribution to the world and coomemorate the lives of famous people
from Moray.
The former Rural Gateway website
has recently been transformed into Scotland's National Rural Network
website to be known as the Rural Community Gateway. This is a Scottish
Government initiative, intended to provide a portal for those living and working
in rural Scotland to network, exchange ideas and discuss issues as well as keep
up-to-date with all the latest news, documents and events.
Your Moray
the recent Community Engagement Group meeting a number of steps were agreed to
promote wider ownership and usage of the website by the Partnership and ensure
that information is provided more regularly and timeously, particularly by the
Theme Groups. The steps include the establishment of a network of content
providers to monitor and update sections of the site on a regular basis and the
production of guidance on the content management of the site, clarifying how and
by whom information for the site is provided.
Both of these measures should be in place by the end of
Area Forum Addresses
New email addresses have been created for each of the
Area Forums to use in correspondence, promotional initiatives etc. An example is
[email protected]. These addresses will
enable the Forums to set up single points of contact for information as well as
promote links to the Your Moray website.
> Active Travel (under
> Consultation Institute (under
> Engage (under
> Improvement Service Network (under Community Planning
> Paths to
Health (under Greener)
> The Right
Track (under Greener)
Roy Anderson Community Planning Officer Tel: (01343) 563343 Email: [email protected] Website: www.yourmoray.org.uk Roy Anderson The contents of this e-mail and any attachments ('this e-mail') are confidential and intended solely for the addressee. If this e-mail has been sent to you by mistake, please notify [email protected] as soon as possible; you should then delete this e-mail from your computer. Moray_Council_disclaimer. |