Moray 2026 – A Plan For The Future Click here to see Moray’s 10 Year Plan
Your Moray News
Community Engagement and Participation – Take the Survey!
(published 05-05-2016)
The Community Planning Partnership knows the importance of talking and listening to our communities, enabling them to influence the design and delivery of our services to them. This is where you come in!
You are a member of our community: you use our services, pay for them through your taxes and, more importantly, have a view on how they’re delivered.
The partnership is entering into an intense period of discussion and engagement with you. This involves all the public sector partners and tsiMORAY for the voluntary sector embarking on a new approach for community engagement which enables communities to influence the design and delivery of public services in Moray. This is not just for this year, but every year.
The next 10 year plan to be prepared is due to be completed in March 2017 and will then be updated every second year thereafter. We’ll take all views and ideas put forward by you to influence the 2017 plan, making it more relevant to the community you want to be part of.
What can you do?
We’ve come up with six core questions that we think will help you define your views. Click here to take the survey.
Moray Community Asset Transfer (CAT)
(published 22-11-2016)
In 2009 the Scottish Government and COSLA published a Community Empowerment Action Plan. In this Plan it was recognised that in the right circumstances, Community Asset Transfer of land and buildings into community ownership can contribute towards the empowerment of communities. For more information click here.
Tourism in Moray and Speyside
(published 19-03-2014)
The Team at Moray Chamber of Commerce are delighted to announce that we will be delivering Tourism in Moray and Speyside for the next 3 years as part of our wider remit.
We will need your help to spread the word and keep us informed with ‘What’s Going on’ in your area so we in turn can spread the word and raise your profile. Let us know if you are involved in Tourism in any way, so we can keep you up to date with future developments.
We look forward to working with you all.
The Moray Chamber Team.
(published 29-01-2014)
MORINFO is a community information database. Find information about groups, clubs, organisations and search the Events Calendar for what's on in Moray. does gate.io require kyc to go to MORINFO.
Public Notice (published 21-01-2014)
A 'one-stop shop' portal, which publishes public notices from local authorities and other agencies across Scotland. You will find planning applications, road closures and consultations on the site.